19 November 2012

An ambitious list

I got a request for at least a partial "to read" book list, and that request is about to be fulfilled.  I should make a disclaimer, though, that this is by no means a comprehensive list of books that I want to experience/have under my belt.  Rather, it's an immediate goal, in an effort to actually get some books read instead of deliberating over which book to read next.  Also, the list is not necessarily in the order in which I will (hopefully) read them.

If you have any opinions or advice about these books, or you think there's another book that I absolutely must read, I would love to hear from you!  I'm content to merely address the anonymous caverns of cyberspace, but I enjoy interacting with you, friends and readers of my blog - mostly because I'm always surprised to find out that it's being read!

Take a deep breath -

Hyperion Dan Simmons (CR*)
And Then There Were None Agatha Christie
The Scar China Mieville
Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell
Death in Zanzibar and Death in Kenya M.M. Kaye
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Brave New World Aldous Huxkey
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick (NYA**)
American Gods Neil Gaiman (NYA)
The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula Le Guin (NYA)
A Farewell to Arms and/or The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway (NYA)
Tender is the Night F. Scott Fitzgerald (NYA)
From Here to Eternity James Jones (NYA)
When All the World Was Young Ferrol Sams
Fool Moon: Book 2 The Dresden Files Jim Butcher (NYA)
Earth Abides George R. Stewart (NYA)
etc etc

The Hiding Place Corrie Ten Boom
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Eric Metaxas (NYA)
The Cross of Christ John Stott (NYA)
The Missionary Call: Finding your place in God's plan for the world David M. Sills (NYA)
Surprised by Joy C.S. Lewis

I could especially use your recommendations for Non-Fiction.  My type preferences for fiction are pretty obvious, but I also really like oddball history books, Bill Bryson-esque.

*Currently Reading
**Not yet acquired...any suggestions for finding cheap books, besides rummaging through haphazardly organized used bookstores or paying high shipping prices through Amazon Marketplace?

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